Social Media: Cornerstone of Job Innovation

The mid 1990s SEO was at the height of optimizing websites and site owners quickly learned the importance of having their sites ranked. Now the industry is recognizing the advantage of a high Klout score and brand advocates.

Although there are a variety of methods to increase web prominence, in today’s scheme of things it’s all about social media. Businesses have adopted the platforms into their marketing strategies and redefined hiring processes to include social media use. And based on the recent stats via Mashable, online development is paving the way for increased opportunities in communications, public relations, and online content production. Thus providing new job titles to emerge (i.e. brand advocate, social media enthusiast, new media specialist, internet media associate, etc.)

So what are you waiting for? Get online, check out the social media platforms, choose one that suits you best then build on your channels with the right mediums to engage, socialize and brand yourself. Don’t get caught up in social media overload — just by modifying the way you interact online to being strategic in your direction will build your efootprint with ease. And keep in mind, your Klout score will not hit records highs over night but within time plateau by remaining active, staying upbeat and influencing positively across various groups.

Eventually the importance of developing social relationships online will open the door to the long awaited interview and it will be your Klout score that will land your dream job!

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